Heaven Sent by Clifford White - A review by Pablo Rego, Yoga Without Borders (March 2022)

Translated from the original Spanish.

“Heaven Sent”, the new spiritual music tetralogy by Clifford White.

The Heaven Sent Series

With a production of four albums, the British musician and producer Clifford White presents “Heaven Sent”, a work very much framed in the spiritual world, creating climates and fascinating sounds that invite an existential journey.

The four volumes, of nine tracks each, have a connection with the development of existence and each of them tells the story of a different state. “Heaven Sent”, “Higher Power”, “Mystic Heart”, “Healing Waters” (Healing Waters), are collections of small pearls that can be emotional and spiritual experiences, emotional moments and visions that inhabit us as human and universal beings. The longings, the melancholy, the hope, the disappointments, the signs from heaven, the manifestation of truth or the images of a world that becomes magical by transcending the small vision of what life is, are like decoded scenes from the traces that the experience of the passage of time imprints on the different dimensions of a being.

Clifford White's ability to utilize the resources of electronic music is well recognized and has been strongly manifested in his long career as a composer, performer and teacher of sound creation. In previous presentations on this site, such as the “Synergy” series (also a tetralogy) or the double album “Ice Age” we have explored and enjoyed his talent, creativity and sensitivity.

Also in this tetralogy called “Heaven Sent” he manifests a wide range of expressions, sometimes classical, sometimes experimental, but always at the service of creating the necessary environments for the story. The interweaving of the sound networks that function as the basis of the melodies coexists in incredible harmony with the resources of world music, giving a particular shine to everyday scenes that are part of the experiences that inhabit each and every one of us.

The four volumes tell a story that can be small and personal or transcendent of a particular life. The aspirations of divine creation, birth, emotions, expectations, sorrows, anguish, pain, optimism, joy, love, ecstasy, fullness, merge into masterful musical pieces that can make us travel millennia in Earth time, light years to the stars or immerse ourselves in a family photo album going through the genesis of love and creation, the growth of a being "sent from heaven", the drama of life with its lights and shadows and the glorious expansion of all existence.

At all times there are two dimensions in the presence of the human being on earth, the exterior, in contact with the unknown, the environment of material reality, relationships with the other and, at the same time, the interior vision that can be infinite like the Universe itself. This great British artist dives into both territories exploring vibrations that he translates into experiential, moving, emotional music that invites you to dream of a world without limits.

Throughout "Heaven Sent", Clifford White maintains a walking climate, sometimes intimate, at times epic, which proposes a state of serene listening, but deep, powerful and subtle, inviting contemplation and exploration of the vibration of the inside world. A musical work that invites an awakened serenity, with aesthetic contrasts between synthesizer and acoustic sounds, expansive and intimate expressions, navigating between the infinitely great and equally ephemeral of existence.

Translated from the Spanish review by Pablo Rego of Yoga Without Borders.
See the original review here.

Purchase the Heaven Sent series on CD

Clifford White

Composer / Producer
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