I'm not quite sure how this happened, but I appear next to The Who in The Best Of Rock, published in 1993.
Jon (aka Nicholas) Land and I in our very first recording studio. Dig the funky jumper!
Here is another review. Looking a lot cooler this time. I must have learnt my lesson.
Oh no...the hair is back! Someone please send this man to a hairdresser.
My very first review, published sometime back in the early 80's.
A review of my Ascension album in Music and Musicians, May 1987. I was trying to look enigmatic (I'd heard it was something to go for). I don't think I was entirely successful.
Review in a local mag.
This little review in a local newspaper led to the signing and release of my 1989 album The Lifespring.
In my web era now, Lennon glasses et al.
A review of our Creative Herts YouTube series in the Herts Advertiser.
Review in a local mag.
An article about my directory website in the Borehamwood Times.